
Check out our newsletter!  Please subscribe to keep up-to-date with all of ATC's programs and classes!

MAR. 10 - Do you celebrate your wins? Register for mid-March classes NOW

MAR. 3 - Are You Worth It? - March Classes now open for registration. SHACK on Friday!

FEB. 24 - Cultivate Your Creative Circle! Winter Classes open for Registration

FEB. 17 - Embracing Diversity. ATC: a sanctuary for the creative spirit. New Monologue Study section open for registration.

FEB. 10 - Art Heals. Nurture your creative spirit and touch the world. Scene Study starts Feb. 12

FEB. 3 - Networking for Success! SHACK is this Friday on Zoom! Register for Scene Study NOW.

JAN 27 - What take (or repeat) class? Intro to Acting and Character 1 begin tonight: Jan. 27

JAN. 20 - Artistic Peristence. Creative MLK. Last call for Musical Theater Workshop.

JAN. 13 - No more excuses! Start making progress! Register NOW for Classes & Musical Theatre Workshop!

JAN. 6 - Boost Your Marketability! SHACK networking group on zoom, Friday! Advanced Class returns!

DEC. 30 - Happy New Year! For 2025: What’s your inspiration! Register now!

DEC. 23 - Inspiration, Magic & Joy! Fuel Dreams! Gift cards, registration, Musical Theater Workshop.

DEC. 16 - Genuine Appreciation! Give a gift that nurtures dreams! Register NOW for January!

DEC. 9 - Best Gift? Believing in Yourself! Gift certificates available. Register for winter classes!

DEC. 2 - Giving Tuesday! You and ATC Making a Difference! Free Screening. SHACK. Register for classes!

NOV. 25 - Happy Thanksgiving! Tweens Informance, Free Film Screening, SHACK announced.

NOV. 18 - When will you be Ready? Scene Study starts tonight! Register Now.

NOV. 11 - Passion & Fear... ATC supports your passion! REGISTER NOW - Monologue Study starts this week.

Looking for older posts? Check out last year’s newsletters HERE